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We believe that Aartech Solonics stands for Always Apply Right TECHnology  – Dare to go SOLO and apply all available techNICS to solve the problem at hand.



Aartech has more than 35 years of experience in deploying fast bus transfer system solutions and 500’s of installations to a variety of demanding system requirements..

Control Relay Panels

A control & relay panel is designed to provide to control the associated line or transformer through outdoor switchgear at various 11KV and 33KV zonal substations.


KranKing Ultracapacitors

FaraDigmTM is a range of Ultracapacitors for power quality applications. The Ultracapacitors operate at different voltages, and for a particular operating voltage, there are Ultracapacitors with different capacitance values and, consequently, the energy that can be stored on them.

Load Checker

LoadChecker blocks the mains supply to the load if excessive current is drawn through it. However, in the event of blocking, its patented self-reset feature normalizes the supply to the load, once the load is disconnected for a minimum time. The entire operation does not require any manual effort or attention. The product uses soft blocking technology, thus ensuring very long life.


Current Limiting Protector

CLiP® (Current Limiting Protector) has provided unparalleled system protection, around the world, for over  25 years. It offers the advantages of current limitation for systems rated to 38kV with high continuous current ratings up to 5000A.

Our Story

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Some of Our Clients

Our Experts

Helena Briggs

Founder and CEO

Thomas Adams

Mining Expert

Juanito Sanchez

Backend Developer

Brad Jarret


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